Summer Solstice Yoga Nidra Meditation
with Ami
More Details Coming Soon
Yoga Classes with Ami...What to expect.
The classes I share are based on the principles of Tantra and Hatha Yoga.
I share guided yoga practices of asana (yoga postures), meditation, breath awareness, mantra and relaxation.
The key focus classes is on cultivating awareness and harmonising the mind, body and soul.
The benefits of all classes are experienced both on a physical level and also on a mental-emotional level.
Insights gained from a regular practice are endless.
Yoga Classes Explained
Hatha Yoga
A well rounded class integrating meditation,
pranayama, mudra, mantra, asana, relaxation and the essence of yoga philosophy.
Classes have a strong emphasis on breath control, improving posture and body alignment and developing strength, endurance and flexibility through energising yoga asanas. We practice pranayama, deep relaxation and meditation both through movement and in stillness.
Suitable for everyone however if you are challenged with any injury, pain or recent surgery that limits your ability to fully participate in the class please contact me to discuss your options.

Well Woman Yoga Circle
A therapeutic and enlivening yoga practice to support all experiences of femininity throughout a woman’s life.
Well Woman Yoga draws on the ancient Indian health system of Ayurveda to promote mental and physical balance and a feeling of calm vitality.
Through its known effects on the neuroendocrine system yoga helps stabilise hormonal levels and creates new foundations for emotional stability besides physical benefits including improved blood circulation, postural alignment. muscle tone and balance. All classes include relaxation and cultivate calm, balanced energy and vitality, detoxify the body and promote a sense of inner peace.
Suitable for all Women.

Guided Relaxation
We allow the physical body to surrender in relaxation and with expanded awareness we open to deep nourishment and healing at all levels. The conscious mind is awake but the body is in deep rest and repair.
A state of restful awareness. An experience of absolute relaxation.
This practice can also support better sleep.
Suitable for everyone.

Learning techniques to train the muscle of the mind to recognise states within us which cause suffering with the intention to recognise and know these states so to manage them better and find more ease with life.
Suitable for everyone.

Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a guided effortless lying down meditation. We allow the physical body to surrender in relaxation and with expanded awareness we open to deep nourishment and healing at all levels. The conscious mind is awake but the body is in deep rest and repair.
A state of restful awareness. An experience of absolute relaxation.
We welcome soothing sounds and breath work to accompany this experience of yoga nidra.
Suitable for everyone.

Sound 'Bath' Meditation
Nāda Yoga is the classical term for the 'Yoga of Sound' and more specifically the 'inner sound' or 'inner vibration'.
A 'Sound Meditation' is a deep immersive experience that can deepen our practice of internal listening. Perhaps, one of the most powerful techniques and spiritual tools to 'still the mind'.
The mystical sounds can range from Indian drums to harmoniums to gongs to flutes to sacred mantra and to the eternal vibration of the cosmic sound vibration of 'OM'.
No previous experience is necessary.

Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy Yoga prepares mums-to-be for birth and beyond both physically and emotionally.
Classes provide a safe and nurturing environment promoting harmony, trust and self-confidence through freedom in movement, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.
An empowering and informative class where you can enjoy new friendships shared in a circle of mothers.
Suitable from 14 weeks to full term (40wk +).

Mummy and Baby Yoga
A very inclusive yoga class with movement, massage, relaxation for baby and for you and for both of you together. Classes involve learning techniques and strokes to aid growth, soothing and bonding for you and baby. They will also help you recover and heal gently, but effectively.
We will bring back structural integrity to your body through a range of gentle movement. You will also learn breath awareness and relaxation techniques, which help to increase energy levels and allow you to relax while with baby.
Classes are suitable for babies from 6 weeks to 6 months.